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Home - Press - News en - Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia, close thanks to grandparents – The twinning of two retirement homes

Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia, close thanks to grandparents – The twinning of two retirement homes

The ‘In viaggio con i Nonni… Scambio Culturale Generazionale’ (Travelling with Grandparents… Generational Cultural Exchange) project between the ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ Residential Community in Cagliari and the Colledani Bulian Home for the Elderly in Valvasone Arzene (PN) has just come to an end.


A useful and valuable ‘exchange’ of experiences and knowledge between the guests of the two facilities. Experimenting hospitality, intended as a moment of aggregation and generational cultural exchange between people belonging to the same ‘life cycle’ who, through knowledge and storytelling, can compare and exchange experiences they have lived in different contexts and places.

These are the objectives of the project ‘Travelling with Grandparents… Generational Cultural Exchange’, which involved the elderly guests of the ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ Residential Community in Cagliari and the Casa Albergo per Anziziziani. Cagliari and the Casa Albergo per Anziani of the Fondazione Colledani Bulian in Valvasone Arzene.

The initiative involved 4 elderly guests, self-sufficient, 2 for each Rest Home, who had the opportunity to move and live for three days at the host facility, so that they could get to know the other guests, visit the surrounding area, the services offered at the facility, the organisational and operational methods, and actively participate in the socio-recreational activities (motor, cognitive, manual, cultural and artistic recreational) scheduled for those days.

From 21 to 23 May, from Valvasone, Gianni and Ardemio stayed in Cagliari, while from 28 to 30 May it was the turn of Nella and Adriana, who from the ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ Municipal Home f

Important moments of interchange and storytelling were created, on the ‘culture of life’ of the area and of one’s own facility, in particular by describing how ‘a typical day’ is spent, the different activities carried out both inside and outside. New friendships were born, with the classic ‘Shall we exchange numbers?!’ so, probably, thanks to new technologies, they will continue at a distance.

Euro&Promos Social Health Care Soc. Coop., the company that devised and organised the project, which manages the facilities in question, is strongly rooted in the Friuli area and in continuous expansion throughout the country, with over 1,500 qualified employees. President, Dasy Pozzan ‘We are very proud to have organised this project. After about a year of ‘gestation’, it is wonderful to see these photos and even just hearing such different accents in the dining room fills us with joy. Not to mention the smiles of the guests during these days: they make us realise that we made the right choice. I sincerely thank the collaborators, the social and health workers and the coordinators of the two Facilities, everyone who made all this happen, their support was crucial. I hope it was a valuable opportunity for everyone to grow… and that it will be repeated.’

A useful and exciting experiment’, commented President Enzo Gisonni, of the Fondazione Opera Colledani Bulian di Valvasone Arzene, the organisation that manages the Casa Albergo of the same name, ’Two of our guests, who were welcomed with warmth and affection, were able to experience a special event in the wonderful land of Sardinia. Not only that, but the occasion was also very useful for the accompanying guests, who were able to discuss with the management of the Vittorio Emanuele II, the procedures and good practices in place in the two realities. As far as we are concerned, we strongly believe in keeping this experience alive, encouraging and supporting our guests in the use of modern information and communication technologies to cultivate the friendships that were born with the occasion.’


It was touching to see the commonality of ties, feelings and affections and the brotherhood of guests belonging to the extreme, opposite borders of Our Italy’ Director Leo Ignazio is the comment of the Casa Comunale di Accoglienza per Anziani Vittorio Emanuele II in Cagliari.

The ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ Home for the Elderly in Cagliari is a municipal-owned facility for the accommodation of elderly persons, of both sexes, who have reached the age of 65, accessed by order of the municipal Social Policies service. Consisting of two Housing Communities and three Integrated Communities for a total of 116 places, to date there are 24 guests in the Housing Community module, 10 men and 14 women, self-sufficient aged between 72 and 100.

The Opera Colledani Bulian Foundation is based and operates through its own facility: the Casa Albergo for the elderly, a pleasant three-storey villa surrounded by a large and well-kept garden, vegetable garden and henhouse. It accommodates 31 resident guests and 15 day guests and is located in the immediate vicinity of the town of Valvasone, a small medieval village steeped in history and architectural beauty. Guests habitually visit the historic centre and the services it offers, an activity also planned for Sardinian guests!



Foto gruppo

Enzo Gisonni – Presidente Fondazione Opera Colledani Bulian di Valvasone Arzene

Paola Leschiutta – Vice-Presidente Struttura Valvasone Arzene

Roberto Floris – Responsabile Comune di Cagliari

Roberta Carboni – Dirigente Comune di Cagliari

Stefania Sanna – Responsabile Comune di Cagliari

Dasy Pozzan – Presidente Euro&Promos Social Health Care Soc. Coop

Angela Porcu – Coordinatrice Struttura Cagliari – Euro&Promos Social Health Care Soc. Coop

Paola Infanti – Coordinatrice Struttura Valvasone – Euro&Promos Social Health Care Soc. Coop