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Home - Press - News en - EURO & PROMOS PART OF ANIP National Association of Cleaning and Integrated Services Companies

EURO & PROMOS PART OF ANIP National Association of Cleaning and Integrated Services Companies

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It’s a pleasure and an honor for Euro&Promos to have become part of this important national trade association, a member of Confindustria, which represents and protects the sector of the companies that supply cleaning services and Multiservices in general, at national and EU level, in the political, institutional and trade union context.

It will be for us an important opportunity for improvement, growth and networking. Today, in fact, the comparison in this complex economic sector is fundamental. The common goal will be to build a new identity to the productive sector of the service world, rethinking what is meant by the term “service”, recovering the new awareness of the economic, productive and social value of the activity.

ANIP-Confindustria allarga le sue fila con l’ingresso di due nuovi associati: GSP e Euro&Promos FM